Title: Parie-Claire (version 1)
Created as an unpublished personal illustration, this illustration eventually became part of a successful collaborative fashion t-shirt design project working with fashion designer, Glynis Dupuis, the owner of Response, a fashion retail clothing store located within the West Queen West neighbourhood in downtown Toronto, Canada.
These fashion t-shirts were available for sale in various cool color combinations at Response on 690 Queen Street West neighborhood and at the Bata Shoe Museum Store in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This illustration also garnered recognition from American Illustration, Society of Illustrators West (SILA), Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Awards Annual, 3x3 Illustration Pro Show 2 and the COUPE International Design and Image Competition.
The title of this illustration is: "Parie-Claire (version 1)", which celebrates the spirit of fashion in Paris, France.